Our environment is precious, fragile and threatened, and we humans are its guardians. At Elephant Watch Camp, our entire operation runs by our strict eco-philosophy. We aspire to be green to the core. The sun powers all of our electricity, including our fridges and freezers. Water is hand-pumped from our on-site well, carefully distributed and then re-used to nourish the trees. All of our buildings, including your luxury en-suite safari tents, are made with old fallen trees, solar-hardened earth plaster and sustainably-harvested palm thatch.

Ingredients for our chefs’ inventive fusion of Italian and African-inspired dishes come from our family’s organic farm in the Rift Valley or from the local farmer’s market on nearby Mt Kenya. Our innovative water evaporation cold-room, with its sustainably harvested charcoal walls, keeps food fresh. Firewood is collected from driftwood that is brought to us by seasonal floods. At Camp, waste is kept to a minimum and very carefully managed, with as much recycled as possible. And the animals are always treated with the utmost respect and minimal interference.

Even with these efforts to limit our impact on our immediate environment and the wider ecosystem, you will find that we never compromise on comfort. Come stay with us and see how luxury can still be deeply eco-friendly. You’ll have everything you need and more!

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